Funding is available to study with UNE Partnerships!

UNE Partnerships offers nationally recognised qualifications in Leadership and Management and Project Management. Our range of flexible delivery models are designed to suit your individual level of experience and expertise.


Get Qualified Sooner

UNE Partnerships offers Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and accelerated pathways for experienced professionals in some programs, to help you become qualified sooner.


Funded Training Available

You may be eligible for funding through the UNE Professional Study Development Fund, or through the NSW Government Smart and Skilled initiative.


Leadership and Management


Our Certificate IV in Project Management Practice and Diploma of Project Management are endorsed by the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM). We are a Registered Education provider for Project Management Institute (PMI).

Project Management


Contact us today to find out more about these programs and funding eligibility!

Improve Your Workforce Today

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