We work closely with peak bodies to ensure that our programs reflect the emerging needs of industry. This has allowed us to forge strong relationships with alliance partner such as the Australian Association of Practice Management (AAPM) and the Facility Management Association of Australia (FMA).
We are proud to offer the following membership discounts:
Members of the Australian Association of Practice Management (AAPM) are entitled to a 10% discount on the following programs:*
Members of the Practice Managers and Administrators Association of New Zealand (PMAANZ) are entitled to a 10% discount on the following programs*
Members of the Facility Management Association of Australia (FMA), Facilities Management Association of New Zealand (FMANZ), Strata Communities Australia (SCA), and Institute of Healthcare Engineers Australia (IHEA) are entitled to a 10% discount on the following program:*
Are you ready to further your professional development and advance your career but still have a few questions?
Submit an enquiry with us today and one of our friendly Course Advisors will provide you with further information.
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Time frame to begin study —Please choose an option—1 month3-6 months6-12 months1 year +